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Six Triangles

Short Quiz (72 questions) | Long Quiz (144 questions)

What is Six Triangles?

Six Triangles is a political alignment quiz that attempts to place your beliefs in 6 triangles. Many quizzes use 2d scales, where you are, for example, democratic or authoritarian. However, some people may believe that the government should have little say in their lives, whether democratic or authoritarian, and thus, they might vote no to both democratic and authoritarian questions. This quiz attempts to resolve that by measuring the combination of 3 attributes. While this isn't perfect, it aims to be able to give a better method of comparison than most quizzes.

What are the triangles?


Control - People who believe in control believe that most industries should be nationalized and run by the government

Regulation - People who believe in regulation believe that the government must take a heavy hand in regulating private industry

Markets - People who believe in markets believe that the government must leave the market alone and not interfere with it

Personal Freedom

Freedom - People who believe in freedom believe that people should be free to criticize the government and leaders without consequences

Security - People who believe in security believe that the state must have powers to ensure that its people are safe

Truth - People who believe in truth believe that people should be held accountable for misleading statements and actions


Tradition - People who believe in tradition believe that laws should be in place to enforce traditional morals

Progress - People who believe in progress believe that laws should be in place to enforce the public good

Freedom - People who believe in freedom believe that people should be free to choose whether to follow traditional morals or the public good


Opportunity - People who believe in equality of opportunity believe that people should all have an equal chance to succeed. Those who do the best with their opportunity are rewarded more.

Outcome - People who believe in equality of outcome believe that there should be limits to how much or how little you can earn to ensure that everyone is able to get by

Burden - People who believe in equality of burden believe that no person should have to give up a disproportionate amount of what they have earned to allow others to be able to succeed


Democracy - People who believe in democracy believe that the popular will should govern.

Authority - People who believe that those in power should have absolute authority with or without the popular will.

Minarchy - People who believe in minarchy believe that the government should be small or even non-existent.

Foreign Policy

Imperialism - People who believe in imperialism believe that their nation has the right to influence other nations for its own gain.

Isolationism - People who believe in isolationism believe that their nation should not get involved with the other nations, instead focusing on itself.

Globalism - People who believe in globalism believe that their nation should ally and influence other nations for the benefit of the world's population.

Prism Political Quiz

Based on feedback on this quiz, I've made a new, better(hopefully) quiz. it can be accessed at https://prismquiz.github.io/